The moment when you realize how lucky you are looking out of the window in this exact moment :)
Coming home after 7 months abroad might be strange at first but you settle in quickly in your own house. When I entered the house I felt as if everything was smaller than I remembered and all the little details that have changed immediatly drew my attention. However, a few days later I already felt home again as if I've never left. This vacation in Germany has been very intensive for me as I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends. The first few days I was nervously excited about everything ( - yes...several days...pretty nerve-wracking after a while!). I realized that people fall back into old habits when being in an "old" environment. So the change I feel I personally went through might not be as obvious to others at home as it is to me. 
In general people said that the time in Spain has done me good. I agree! is not over yet!

The knife saws through the dry cake. The hole family is waiting full of expectation until...the blade hits a hard small obstacle. "What is it? What is it?"
"It`s the king!"
He proudly presents the little figure. Then he hands it to me.
"You can have it, It`s for good luck."

My tutor Luis had picked me up at the bus station of Vigo and we went to his family's house where they celebrate the Twelfth Day - el "Día de los Reyes Magos". A Spanish custom for that day is to eat the traditional King's Cake in which a little King's figure and a big bean are hidden. Whoever finds the bean in his piece has to pay the whole cake.
As the cake is very dry, we dipped it into a cup of homemade hot chocolate - yum!

This week I tried to settle in again. Sabrina will arrive a little later. I had time to go for a walk and enjoy the hours without rain, when everything is washed clean and the sun warms your face. It's quite a contrast to the busy vacation I had at home. Right now, I feel a bit far from everything. 
However, I am sure, that soon (when Sabrina is back, all the clases started again and especially when the two French guys come) the place will revive and the three remaining months will go by in a flash!
automatic release and a lot of jumping up and down on that rock... :D

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