Prepare yourself for a whole bunch of pictures!
Last week Sabrina and I attended the photography workshop of a photographer from Ribadavia. 
(This one on the left and the pictures of me which I posted further down were taken by him. Visit his website: !) 

The first five of the six sessions were theory. José told us about different kinds of cameras, how they work, picture composition, do's and dont's in photography, ... and gave us a short introduction to Lightroom which he uses on a regular basis to sort out and work on all his pictures. 

On Saturday then we went on an excursion to put into practice what we learned. It wasn't really a good day to take pictures. Very humid and foggy, but still, it has been the best part of the workshop!

Here are some of the outcomes edited with Lightroom:

The old lady who lives in this house is always cleaning the walls and the cobbles. Do you see the clean frame around her home?
Depth of focus!
(Un)fortunately the battery of my camera died right in the beginning of the session (how embarassing...) and José kindly gave me one of his cameras. He later put a close-up lens on and I just love the pictures you can take with it! 
I'm blown away by the details this camera is capable to reveal. 

On the left you can see Sabrina's rigth eye. Isn't it impressive?

The classical spider's web with waterdrops: delicate and beautiful.

In driftwood you can discover the most unbelievable shapes and figures.

The little things that make me smile:
What happened to our poster? Did someone...wait...what?! 
We decided to call it "Ximo" ;)

29/10/2013 04:22:14 am

Great pictures!!

25/4/2021 10:21:32 am

Liberarse del punto de vista a nivel del ojo es toda una revolución en los alumnos los cursos. Yo imparto talleres de iniciación, y es una de las cosas que más hacen cambiar la fotografía de los aficionados cuando empiezan a dominar esa libertad de encuadres.


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