Three days
One and a half hours per day
12 participants in total
Some facts about Japan
A lot of new symbols
A lot of new words
A lot of new sounds

And a first impression of the Japanese language.

I have studied Japanese for a couple of years at school and I am in possession of the first Level Language Certificate of Japanese. Considering it a very exciting language that differs a lot from my own I thought I might be able to arouse this interest in others as well. 
And yes, it has been the best-visited of my courses so far. People had either connections to the Japanese culture through manga, anime and alike or were simply interested in checking out a new language.

The workshop was a success. I prepared listening, speaking and writing exercises so that the participants could get a good overview and at the end of the course be able to present themselves both orally and written. 
I might actually repeat the workshop as there were a few people who wanted to attend the course but couldn't come. The second time would be easier for me anyways because I could calculate the time better.

Personally the workshop motivated me to browse a little bit in my Japanese books again. It would be a shame to loose what I have learned all these years. I realized that I did not actually forget. I just lost some things and now I have to find the spot in my brain where I stored it ;)

I enjoy living with more people in the flat. It is nice to have the possibility to watch TV with everyone in the living-room in the evening or play a quick game of cards; but at the same time I can retire to my own room if I need some time off (which is essential for me, by the way). 
Before Gwen and Flo came I was the one who couldn't speak Spanish. However, now they are learning from me! This, on the one hand, is a little scary because I don't want them to adapt my mistakes and on the other hand a great feeling because it really shows the progress I have made during my stay here.

And now the weather.
The last couple of weeks have been rather unsettled and mainly rainy and foggy as so typical for Galicia. The rivers are rising to an astonishing level. Temperatures vary from 3°C to 15°C and it is advisable to make the most of the few times when the sun comes out as it is warm and pleasant.
This is it for today, stay connected to "EVS-Galicia NEWS", my name is Isabell and I wish you all a wonderful week.

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