The "Noite Meiga"! This is how they call their Halloween here. It is the Galician expression for "Witches' Night" and we celebrated it on the 2nd of November. There is no Trick or Treat but people dress up as corpses, ghosts, vampires and witches to crowd the Plaza Mayor, visit the tunnel of terror, watch the concert and dance in the pubs. Sabrina and I helped taking pictures of the people who came to the facepaint room to get...well...mostly severely injured! 

But, to be honest, we did not look very healthy ourselves:

There was this woman. She passed by, looked at us, put on a face of plain disgust and made this sound...pretty much like "Bouwah!". What more could you wish for?
The eyes are made of ping-pong balls. We found the aprons in the flat. Some old forks. Some old spoons. A little bit of flour and water. A little bit of red and black paint. And a lot of fun! 

There also was a competition of Jack O'Lanterns. I decided to participate and I wanted to create a very special pumpkin! So I bought an overpriced pumpkin and some cheap carving tools. 
And guess who won the competition! The award was a Noite Meiga bag, badge and shirt, a bottle of liqueur of herbs and a diploma.
I will probably never make an ordinary Jack O'Lantern again!

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