Bild The town hall wishes a merry Christmas in Galician
Feliz Navidad - Bo Nadal - Merry Christmas
Originally there was no Santa Claus in Spain bringing presents on the 24th or 25th. In the Spanish culture the 6th of January is the important date where the three kings bring presents. However, the climbing Santas hanging from windows and balconies clearly indicate that the big white-bearded grandpa in his coca-cola-red costume has also found his way here. The streets are decorated with lights and in the shops glow and glitter the christmas trees. 
The date did not, as you might assume, change from the 6.1. to the 24.12. No. Spanish kids are lucky. They get presents TWICE. (Although the 6th remains more important)

Sabrina and I organised a Fimo workshop to craft little Christmas presents last week which was great fun and we will probably repeat it next year!

Christmas dinner in our flat :)
Yet, I won't experience Christmas and New Year's Eve first-hand as I'm going on vacation to Germany! Surely I considered staying in Ribadavia to take part in the festivities here, but I couldn't stand being alone on Christmas, because to me it is a family celebration. And as much as I enjoy my time here, it is always wonderful to come home. So this will be the last post of this year 2013 and I will continue reporting when I come back in January.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2014!!!

I heard of a Spanish costum of New Year's Eve: By each gong of the church bells at midnight you have to eat a grape for good luck! These better are grapes without seeds...

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